A community, not a directory

We are naturally dispositioned to fear change. We don’t like the unknown, we don’t like uncertainty, and we don’t like insecurity.

This has been a week of change, and we often feel shell-shocked when much-loved institutions face challenges. Especially when those challenges could easily have been announced by any of the venues, organisations or groups in our small but creative sector.

So what does a small community of creatives do when our friends and colleagues are hurting? We rally round and do what we can with the resources we have to share.

My heart went out to every staff member of the Belmont Filmhouse, Edinburgh Filmhouse and Edinburgh International Film Festival who went to work thinking their job was secure, only to find it wasn’t. I know the feeling of dread wondering where the next paid work was going to come from, how to pay bills and in many cases how to ask for help, to talk to someone and not feel like it was my fault.

So, I had a small thought - I could offer free coaching to someone who might need it. Then my thought grew - I know lots of other brilliant coaches who might feel the same. And so, 24 hours later a group of coaches are willing to donate 30 hours of coaching to staff members who lost their jobs yesterday. It isn’t much, but it’s a start, and I hope it will make a difference.

Why does this matter?

For me, Coaching for Creatives is not about converting clicks into commission or generating gross income. It’s always been about making coaching accessible to the creative sector and growing a community of coaches who can support each other.

I truly believe that we all need each other in this delicate biosphere and ecology, we need to help us other and support each other through these challenging times if we want our creative sector to thrive. I’ve always hoped to develop a Coaching Bank so individuals could access coaching support when barriers are presented. I never anticipated so many people might need coaching at the same time, but let’s see where this goes. We have an amazing and generous community. If you want to find out more and be part of it then come along to an online session for the curious-minded on Friday 28 October. It would be great to meet you. We have work to do.




New partnership for BIPOC coaching support